Bathroom Remodel
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Bathroom remodels are frequently at the top of the list of places homeowners want to renovate. Bathrooms are remodeled more often than even kitchens! A bathroom remodel or small bathroom remodel are highly sought after because they are smaller than other rooms in the home. You can make a big difference in a bathroom for much less money than you would a kitchen or another area in your home. This is because the smaller space means less materials. You won’t need as much flooring, paint or countertop coverage as you would in another room in your home. These are a few of our best tips to suggest to your bathroom remodelers!
Don’t Forget The Ventilation
In most places part of the building code includes the need for either a fan or window to ensure proper ventilation. Ventilation is important in a bathroom because of all the water and steam that occurs there. If you don’t ventilate your bathroom properly you run the risk of mold and mildew growing throughout the bathroom which can cause damage to the home and is a risk to your health. You bathroom remodeling contractor will be familiar with the codes in your area, but knowing that this is a must is key in a bathroom renovation project.
Bathroom Lighting
In standard build bathrooms you will typically find less than ideal lighting, which can be frustrating in a place where you are trying to get ready and look your best for the day. Not having proper lighting means you may miss a spot with your makeup, or you might not see well enough to get your hair just right. Discussing with your remodeling contractor your desire for adequate lighting is a must for a small bathroom or even a larger bathroom remodeling job.
More Places To Hang Bathroom Items
Do you agree that in most bathrooms you’ve been in there’s never quite enough places to hand your towels and other items that you may need to hang? We do too! Adding hooks and other fixtures for hanging can add lovely details to your bathroom as well as function. Bathrooms need to be about function so that you can make the most of every inch, especially if you are working in a smaller area.
Bathroom Storage And Niches
Speaking of working with the space you have. Typically, in a bathroom renovation project you’re not expanding the area, you’re working with the footprint of space that you have. Finding ways to add storage and functional spaces is a must. Having recessed niches in your shower for storage is also a great space saver. Finding little ways to add storage and functionality to every inch of your bathroom is ideal and something your small bathroom remodeler can help you with.
Finding a Trusted Bathroom Remodeling Contractor
Last on the list is finding a trusted contractor. A great way to find someone who is trustworthy is by word of mouth. If you’re in the Houston, TX area we would love to work with you on your bathroom remodel. But if you’re not, talking with friends and family about someone they recommend is a great place to start. If you fall short with recommendations from trusted family you can always head to the internet. A quick search for “bathroom remodeling contractor near me” will give you a wealth of possibilities. We strongly recommend reading reviews as that will give you great insight into who you might be working with.
Bathroom remodels are a great opportunity to add function and style to your home and will even add value to it as well. We hope you have a great experience on your bathroom remodel!